was a Horizon 2020 project aimed at promoting the growth of community-based participatory research and Science Shops across Europe. The project explored how different types of research organisations, such as universities, research institutes, companies and non-profit organisations can develop sustainable Science Shops. Ten new Science Shops were established during the project alongside resources, tools and training to support new Science Shops. Among the ten new science shops, Bay Zoltan Science Shop was also established.

The project created a networking and knowledge sharing platform, where you can find a range of resources to support the establishment and development of Science Shops.

One of the most important outcome of the project is the SciShops Collaboration tool, which is a virtual meeting space for all stakeholders who are working in Community-Based Participatory Research or are interested in working more closely with their communities through CBPR initiatives. It connects local and international experts, CBPR practitioners, public administrations, companies and community organisations to exchange knowledge and experience. Additionally, it allows seeking CBPR-related Jobs, Partnerships, Funding, Staff Exchange, Twinning and Mentoring opportunities.

Implementation period: 01/09/2017 – 28/02/2020

Partners: 18 partners from 13 countries

The Hungarian partner of the project is the Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research. It established its Science Shop in January 2019.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Action under Grant Agreement No 741657.

Project website:

The project in social media:


Further information:

Katalin KÁLAI project manager